Email your school's hot lunch director or send a note to school with your Child's name and dates missed to receive a credit on your account.
We order supplies 1 week before lunch is served and in order to guarantee we have enough food to serve everyone without creating too much waste we ask that orders are in at that time. We do offer last minute lunch for a slightly increased price up until 9 am on that lunch day.
When you order through the Myschool Account site, there is a list generated of those orders that are sent to your child's teacher. The teacher will hand out lunch tickets to students on that list. Once ordering is closed, any last minute orders are added to a list that is at the lunch table where the names are checked off as they are served.
You can total all the lunches and send 1 check for all children in the family who goes to the same school. You can also send 1 last minute lunch request or email with all your children's name. No need to send one for each child. You have enough to worry about as a parent!
Sign into your account and click on the Preorder tab. You can either click on Recent Orders or Reports to access your orders.
Jamie Santana-Food Service Director